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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1092c50b.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-04  |  157KB  |  474x362  |  8-bit (255 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | poster | sky | vegetarianism | window | windowpane
OCR: LEADING 30-YEAR FIXED-RATE MORT GAGES Ral as netitution Juy. Poirrts Atlant Decatur Federal 7.754 3.03 $716 404-982-6003 Baltimore SMACITErtEace 77F 1.50 716 301-296-0400 Boston First NeEngand Morteage 7.75 2.13 716 617-237-7203 Chicago Bel FederarSs 175 2.50 716 312-346-1000 Cleveland Freedom Mortgage 7.75 3.00 716 216-524-3400 Dalla A banc Mortrage 7.76 2.00 716 214-980-C994 Demver OinmercwFereal barteae 3.30 .699 303-932.3 3000 Detrolt t Savings 2.88 699 313-96:-7600 Houston Fallark crlgage 2.25 716 713-630-1300 Los Angeles Estate eMurtgage 77F 1.75 716 7:4-832-3800 Mlami ChaeFereralBank 25C 716 305.595-4200 Minneapors aMACMrEag 2.00 725 6:2.454-9004 NewYork Cily Fom Motgage Horeotance 10 2.73 708 2:2-319.4601 N.Newlersey Atia Federal Sating 3.00 716 908-499-7200 Philadelphia Damnet Mon ...